With that said, I have had one heck of a week. I took a train to Alcazar de San Juan, which is the town I will be teaching in. I had no idea where to go, what to do, what to say, or where to begin. Luckily, a teacher picked me up at the train station, took me to my school: IES Juan Bosco; and introduced me to a lot of teachers. This town is just like being in Oxford. Everyone is so cordial and willing to help. The teachers called number after number trying to help me find a flat. I met a professor named Trinidad (Trini) who offered for me to stay with her while I find a place and get settled. Her daughter, Laura, speaks English, and she is my new gal pal. After riding a bike for the first time in 6 years and the first time EVER in traffic, I made it to their house without bruises or fractures. This is the first HOUSE I've been into since arriving in Spain, because most people live in pisos (apartments).
I ate my first truly Spanish meal, and it is the bomb. Facts: Trini is a very healthy cook. The house is stunning and large. There are two men in the family: Antonio, el padre, Miguel, the son. So nice! Granted, none but Laura speaks English. THIS IS GOOD NEWS! I get to practice my Spanish and teach them English at the same time. I went back to Madrid by train for the evening, and the next morning packed my bags to move to Alcazar.
Laura had to go away for the weekend to move her things from Bilbao, so she hooked me up with her posse via Jose Luis, who speaks 3 languages, learning a 4th, and translates for MTV. It was a blast. I learned key words like "una caña"- a small beer and "una cubata" rum and coke. The next day: tapas in the sun, a trip to una laguna to see the wild flamingos, and then "botellon". Botellon is when everyone buys alcohol, drives to a spot on a specific street, and drink, hang out, listen to music. Very chill. Very fun. Sunday: Bbq.
And now I am living with this gracious family. It's wonderful, and I love it. I started work today.....I had a 20 minute meeting, and that is it!
Spanish culture is very different, intriguing, Oh, and first thing on Saturday I heard fireworks! I was like do you just have fiestas in general? It was for the patron saint of the town. Fireworks all day, all weekend. It's time for my siesta, so please see facebook for pictures.
Hasta luego.
More pics please. :-) Sounds like you are settling in. I still say botellon sounds like high school. :)